Shawn Kilgarlin Explains the Importance of DNA Paternity Tests

Shawn Kilgarlin

October 18, 2024


Shawn Kilgarlin is the Vice-President of American Screening Corporation which is the torch bearer in manufacturing and distributing Drug testing needs and Medical Accessories ever since from 2004. Shawn believes in creating awareness about drug testing methods and especially concentrates on women’s health.

ASC manufactures DNA paternity test kit which is very essential in finding the father of the child and clarifies many issues regarding paternity. A DNA paternity test is done using Deoxyribonucleic Acid where the swab is taken from cheek of the one who is undergoing the test. This test is used to determine a child’s biological father.

DNA paternity test is significant in the context of knowing the biological father for confirming the family origin of the child. Sometimes for legal issues to find out who has to inherit the family property the confirmation of paternity is required. At times to establish the social identity of the child the DNA paternity test is done. Moreover if there are any medical issues with the child the DNA paternity test helps in treating the problem.

What is DNA Paternity Testing?

DNA is the genetic substance in our cells. It helps in identifying whose genes are in our body because one inherits the DNA both from the biological mother and father.

A DNA paternity test finds out the genetic markers that are inherited by the child from the parents to establish the origin or family of the child. There are totally 28 genetic markers in our cells which help in identifying the father. When the entire 28 genetic markers match between the father and the child then it is confirmed that he is the biological father and the Paternity Probability is calculated as 99.9999%.

If all the 28 genetic markers do not match between the supposed father and the child then the confirmation of the father is excluded totally. Hence the DNA paternity test is 100% accurate and highly reliable.

The Importance of DNA Paternity Tests

DNA paternity test plays a vital role in many of the legal issues where it is very necessary to establish the biological father of the child.  This might be the problem regarding the child’s custody or finding out the legal heir to pass over the property of the family or the father. Many a times when the child does not have the mother or any other relative to take care, the DNA paternity test is necessary to find out who will take care of the child.

At times the DNA paternity test is very much essential for emotional reasons of confirming which father it belongs to. It is just for showing love, affection and care and to have a sense of belongingness.

Another important reason for DNA paternity test is to know the medical history of the father in case of any health problem or genetically driven health issues. At such occasions knowing the biological father is very helpful in understanding the root of the health issues and the way to treat it accurately.

Many a times the DNA paternity test is done to establish the social identity of the child for recognition and acceptance by the family and friends.

Common Reasons for Seeking DNA Paternity Testing

DNA paternity test is very necessary in some occasions to prove the biological father of the child. During family disputes and internal problems in family or in divorce cases there arises a situation in which the parent of the child should take custody. At such scenarios it is very much essential that the biological father of the child is confirmed through DNA paternity test and the child is handed over.

At certain situations the family might have been separated due to natural disasters, calamities or internal war between countries. Hence it becomes mandatory to perform DNA paternity test to reunite the family and children. Also the test is very crucial in the case of child getting adapted or when the child has to inherit the father’s possessions.

DNA paternity test is also required when a doubt or question arises personally to establish the real father of the child. It could be to prove the social identity of the child to the neighbours, friends, relatives and to the community as a whole.

Shawn Kilgarlin’s Insights on Paternity Testing

Shawn Kilgarlin discusses about the main implications of DNA Paternity Test.

The Legal Implication of DNA Paternity Test confirms the legal right for child custody, inheritance of property and social security. Apart from this it establishes the right for adaptive parents over the biological parents.

The Social Implication of DNA Paternity Test is confirming the social identity of the child.

The Ethical Implication of DNA Paternity Test states that only when the parents request with lifelong commitment it is justified.

The Criminal Implication of DNA Paternity Test confirms that it is very crucial for criminal investigations.

The Genetic Implication of DNA Paternity Test is that it is very helpful in identifying genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis and some types of cancer.

Above all DNA Paternity Test is very useful in the parents’ future reproductive plans.

Shawn Kilgarlin wants to create awareness and bring to focus some of the misconceptions about DNA Paternity Test.

The Test is considered to be very dangerous and invasive where as in reality it is safe and non-invasive.

The home DNA test is thought to be not reliable, but it is accurate and reliable.

It is thought that DNA test can be performed only after child birth, but in fact it can be performed before delivery of the child.

DNA tests are very affordable and not costly.

It does not require a long time but only 2 to 3 days.

It is thought that DNA tests require blood only where as it can be done with the cheek swab.

There is a wrong conception that mothers sample is not required where as the matches could be random if it is not available.

The Process of DNA Paternity Testing

DNA paternity tests usually take the cheek swab of the father as the sample. A cotton swab is used to collect the buccal cells from the mouth. Few precautions should be carried out before collecting the cheek swab. The candidate should avoid brushing the teeth, using mouthwash, putting dentures, smoking or using tobacco.

In the case of taking a blood sample, the candidate should drink extra fluids, consume healthy foods and do some gentle exercises to boost the blood pressure.

There are many types of DNA Paternity test as explained below.

Non-invasive Prenatal Paternity (NIPP) Test

For NIPP test the sample is taken from the blood of the pregnant women and the Foetal DNA is analyzed. This is done after eight week of pregnancy and the foetal DNA is compared with the cheek swab of the father. This method is 99.99% accurate and very safe. There are some side effects also like bleeding, pain, fainting and infection.

Amniocentesis Test

Amniocentesis Test is an invasive test which can be done during second or trimester that is between 15 to 20 weeks. For this test the amniotic fluid that surrounds the foetus is taken as the sample using a thin needle. This sample collection is done through the abdomen of the pregnant woman and the DNA of the sample is compared with the DNA of the cheek sample of the supposed to be father. Anyhow there is a risk associated with this method that it can result in premature labour.

Chorionic Villos Sampling (CVS) Test.

Chorionic Villos Sampling (CVS) Test is almost similar to Amniocentesis   Test which can be done between 10 to 13 weeks after the previous menstrual period. For this test a small sample of chorionic villi cells from placenta is taken using a thin needle through the cervix. The DNA from this sample is compared with the DNA of the Cheek sample of the non birthing parent. There is a risk of infection and at some times miscarriage also can take place. Results for the above tests are usually available within 3 to 5 business days and communicated to the concerned person through email.

Choosing a Reliable DNA Testing Provider

Shawn Kilgarlin is of the strong opinion that care should be taken before deciding the testing agency for DNA Paternity test. It is very important that the testing agency should be accredited and recognized by the Government and should hold a valid certificate or a license to perform the test. Above all, they should keep the result confidential and should not reveal it to others apart from the concerned parents.  They should adhere to the Data Protection Regulation Policy. The result should be accurate and reliable.

The reputation and trustworthiness of the testing agency has to be enquired and verified before testing. The testing agency should maintain a good customer care and they should be quick in delivering the result. Above all check the cost of DNA test and compare it with the other testing agencies. Also verify what are the tests and services that are included in the cost and if it is satisfactory and reasonable.

Real-Life Applications and Case Studies

DNA Paternity test has been a boon for parents who are in dire need of finding the real biological father. When family members were stranded and lost due to a natural calamity they were devastated. After many years they were united with the help of friends and social media. The DNA paternity test played a significant role in confirming the identity of the children and they were reunited happily.

A grandfather passed away leaving most of his possessions to his grandchild without knowing who it is because his son was not in direct contact. DNA Paternity Test gave a clear result of who his grandson was with 99.99% result and the issue was resolved.

In another situation, a school going boy wanted to know who his father is because his mother never told him. DNA Paternity Test helped the boy to get confirmed with the real biological father and it gave him a sense of belongingness and identity. This also brought the family closer and the father and mother were reunited.


Shawn Kilgarlin emphasis the necessity of DNA Paternity test along with the legal, social and emotional implications. She is very particular that misconceptions regarding the DNA test be removed from the minds of people. Also it is very important to choose a reliable agency for DNA testing.

American Screening Corporation is the manufacturer and distributor of Reveal DNA Paternity Test which is reliable and accurate. These kits are very easy to use and follow SAMHSA cut-off levels. It requires the cheek swab of the father and the child. The cheek swab of mother is also welcome to make a clear confirmation.

The cost of ASC’s DNA Paternity Test Kit is very affordable in the range of $23.74 each and is offered with 10% discount.

For bulk ordering and volume discounts please call us at (866) 526-2873 or email us at [email protected]

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